for two days now, I can not page back into my f-list. You used to be able to hit end and then the side tab would reset and you could go back further. That means I can get a few messages, but only until 6 p.m. last night. To anyone who posted before that - love you, but I can't get back to see your posts... grr!
For some reason I can't get into LJ at the moment. All is well here, it's going to be 102 today and The Boy isn't happy with the set construction (like I wasn't expecting THAT), but he's working on it.
If you need to get me, I'm here on DW until LJ lets me in again.
Is anyone else having a problem changing icons while responding to posts? I can do it when I post, but not when I am answering someone else's posts...
Silly LJ.
Update - The Wretching found a way around it - do your response post as normal, then edit it and pick the user picture you want and it will post the right one.